VIDrive is an application created to help you find a lot of usefull information about all your drives (doubled files, too old files, never used files, too big files, all files like “.jpg” etc).
Quick start:
run the program and wait a little (the first start in the morning can last some minutes, while the program collect all information)
you will see a little table “All Drives” with all drives and logical disks exists or attached at your computer
select any disk in the table “All Drives” and press Enter or double click it (for example “c:/”)
two new tables will be open: “c:/ Directories” (all directoriesat disc c:/) and “c:/ Files” (all files at disk c:/)
select a table “c:/ Files”, press Ctrl+f (or use menu “File / Find objects”) and enter “.avi” as “What to find”
a new table “c:/ Found nnn files like .avi” with all avi files from disk c:/ will be open
double click at any of found files to play this avi-file with your preferred video player
select a table “c:/ Files”, click a header of column “Name” to sort table by file name
press Ctr+d (or use menu “File/Find doubles”)
a new table “c:/ Doubles” will be open with a list of all doubled files. You can select not needed files and press Delete key to delete all of them at ones
select one or more files in the table “Files” and press Delete key to delete all selected files
use Ctrl+F for open the “Find” dialog
use Ctrl+D to open table “Doubles”. At first sort the table “Files” be “Name” column
click column header for sorting any table by this column contents (next click changed sort direction from AZ to ZA, AZ etc)
place a mouse pointer to the interval between columns headers and drag it for change a column’s width
use “Home” key for go to the top of table, use “End” key for go to the bottom of table, use “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys for scrolling the table
use Shift- Ctrl- keys together with mouse clicks or Up-Down arrow keys for selecting more then one records in the table
use Ctrl + A keys combination for selecting all records in the table
open more then one tables with the same content and sort them how you need

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Short description about VIDrive Crack Keygen:
VIDrive Crack is free, easy-to-use freeware for Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/8. It can find duplicated or similar files (and remove one of them). VIDrive Full Crack is freeware because it is developed by us to help people to find all files like hidden files and duplicate files at one place for them.
It is not an antivirus. It is not an autorun or a rogue anti-virus. But it is freeware. It will not disable or remove any software or hardware.
VIDrive Torrent Download is based on Windows File Duplication feature of Windows operating systems. Windows file duplication feature allows Windows OS to copy files from one location to another location by a same name and extension. This feature is very useful for software developers and virus scanners to copy program’s resources or database files from one location to another.
Unlike other utilities, which simply scan whole disk for duplicates and hide them, vidrive also removes duplicates. Using for example a mouse pointer, you can just delete one file or folder at the same time as you want to keep others.
Vidrive Features:
You can use vidrive to:
1. Find duplicated files or folders. Duplicate files or folders are located at the same location, but have different file or folder names. You can specify the location in which to search. It can scan a folder or drive. In the case of search folders, you can specify the search criteria: file name, file extension, or the type of the file. You can search a specific file name in different file formats including text, HTML, HTML, JPEG, PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, ZIP, RAR, ZIP, 7Z, ISO, or in any program’s formats.
2. Find similar files. Similar files are files with similar contents, typically with the same file name, but different file extensions. These files might be created by the same software, but might also be created by different versions of the same software.
3. Find all of similar files in the same directory. It can search similar files in the same directory. It can find files with the same file name and different file extension in the same directory.
4. Find similar files between two or more directories. It can search similar files between two or more directories, such as from C: to D: or C: and D:
VIDrive Crack + For PC
LFDONE “Find All Doubled”
LFDOUBLED “Find All Doubled Files”
LFDOUBLE “Find All Doubled Files (With Some Headers)”
LFDOUBLEDIR “Find All Doubled Files (For Directories)”
LFDOUBLEDIRFI “Find All Doubled Files (In Directories)”
LFDOUBLEIMAGE “Find All Doubled Images”
LFDOUBLESOFT “Find All Doubled Soft”
LFDOUBLEDISK “Find All Doubled Hard”
LFDOUBLEDISKNDIR “Find All Doubled Hard Nested Directories”
LFDOUBLEFONTDIR “Find All Doubled Font Directories”
LFDOUBLEFONTIMG “Find All Doubled Font Images”
LFDOUBLEDISKTHUMB “Find All Doubled Hard Thumbnails”
If you like to help to maintain this program,
don’t hesitate to send a small donation (Paypal or bank transfer):
* Some system requirements for Windows XP:
Version 1.1
You must have Microsoft Windows XP or later (if you can’t use the “My Computer” >
“Manage” > “Devices” > “Drives” option).
You must have access to the registry.
You must have administrator rights.
You must have Sysinternals Tools installed.
You must have the application Dircache program (
Version 1.2
You must have Microsoft Windows XP or later (if you can’t use the “My Computer” >
“Manage” > “Devices” > “Drives” option).
You must have access to the registry.
You must have administrator rights.
You must have Sysinternals Tools installed.
You must have the application Dircache program (
Description of the program:
DriveVirGear is an application created to help you find a lot of usefull information about all your drives (doubled files, too old files, never used
VIDrive License Keygen For PC
–> for easy use select a disk drive in the table “All Drives”
–> press Enter to open the main table “All Files”, “All Files Drives”, “c:/ Files”
–> double click at any of file in the table “c:/ Files” to open this file
–> press F3 to open “Find” dialog
–> when you are ready with double click, press Ctrl+D to open a new table “c:/ Doubles” and sort it by file name
–> use Ctrl+F to open the “Find” dialog
–> when you are ready with double click, press Ctrl+D to open a new table “c:/ Doubles” and sort it by file name
–> you can select not needed files and press Delete key to delete all of them at ones
–> place a mouse pointer to the interval between columns headers and drag it for change a column’s width
–> use “Home” key for go to the top of table, use “End” key for go to the bottom of table, use “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys for scrolling the table
–> use Shift- Ctrl- keys together with mouse clicks or Up-Down arrow keys for selecting more then one records in the table
–> use Ctrl + A keys combination for selecting all records in the table
–> double click at any of file in the table “c:/ Files” to open this file
–> press F3 to open “Find” dialog
–> use “F3” for open the “Find” dialog, the program will do all of above automatically
–> when you are ready with double click, press Ctrl+D to open a new table “c:/ Doubles” and sort it by file name
–> when you are ready with double click, press Ctrl+D to open a new table “c:/ Doubles” and sort it by file name
–> Ctrl + F4 to open “Find” dialog in table “All Files”
–> Ctrl + F5 to open “Find” dialog in table “All Files Drives”
–> use Shift- Ctrl- keys together with mouse clicks or Up-Down arrow keys for selecting more then one records in the table
–> use Ctrl + A keys combination for selecting all records in the table
–> use Ctrl + D to open table “c:/ Doubles”
–> use Ctrl + F to open “Find” dialog in table “All Files”
–> use Ctrl + D to open table “c:/
What’s New In?
This tool is used to find all the images from a folder which has similar names or content.
This also works with Double Folders.
* scan directories or set paths
* find and delete similar images
* find and delete similar images with tag
* similar image thumbnails can be found
* set folders and paths to scan
* select pictures
* find similar pictures or with same tag
* find similar picture with same color or with same hue
* found pictures can be previewed and cleaned
* select pictures or with same tag
* image index – by use image search engine
* make new folder and move pictures to folder
* get list of images (with tags, if exist)
This tool is used to find all the images from a folder which has similar names or content.
This also works with Double Folders.
* scan directories or set paths
* find and delete similar images
* find and delete similar images with tag
* similar image thumbnails can be found
* set folders and paths to scan
* select pictures
* find similar pictures or with same tag
* find similar picture with same color or with same hue
* found pictures can be previewed and cleaned
* select pictures or with same tag
* image index – by use image search engine
* make new folder and move pictures to folder
* get list of images (with tags, if exist)
This tool is used to find all the images from a folder which has similar names or content.
This also works with Double Folders.
* scan directories or set paths
* find and delete similar images
* find and delete similar images with tag
* similar image thumbnails can be found
* set folders and paths to scan
* select pictures
* find similar pictures or with same tag
* find similar picture with same color or with same hue
* found pictures can be previewed and cleaned
* select pictures or with same tag
* image index – by use image search engine
* make new folder and move pictures to folder
* get list of images (with tags, if exist)
This tool is used to find all the images from a folder which has similar names or content.
This also works with Double Folders.
System Requirements For VIDrive:
Any version of the game is supported.
You can play online using the Game Center, Game Center friends, and also use your existing Facebook friends.
Minimum Specifications:
iPhone 4s or newer
iPod Touch 5th generation
iPad (any generation)
Android 2.2 or newer
This application will require you to have a Data Plan
Supported Features:
Data reporting
App Store Ranking
Game Center Ranking
Map Building and Building Types
Gameplay Replay