
Voice Keyer Full Product Key Download For Windows ☝

The Voice Keyer is a free Windows based voice keyer. It is very easy to use and it handles up to seven messages. By connecting your computer soundcard to your radio it’s possible to just press a button and the computer will CQ for you, to spare your voice. It can also PTT your radio via the LPT port.







Voice Keyer Free PC/Windows

A Voice Keyer Cracked Version will allow you to key up to seven messages. It allows you to record, save and transmit all the messages you want to send. The Voice Keyer Torrent Download is a free program for Windows. It is a computer soundcard-based VOX (Voice Operated Transmit) device. By connecting the Voice Keyer Cracked Accounts to your soundcard it’s possible to just press a button and the computer will CQ your radio and activate a program which enables you to speak into the microphone port of your soundcard. You can then save the recording or make a new recording. The Voice Keyer can be used to key up to seven messages. It provides automated voice prompts to help you along the way. The program can also PTT your radio via the LPT port.

The Voicewarrior Design is flexible. The Voicewarrior has a built-in wire antenna and a 90-degree wire antenna jack for easy antenna insertion and removal. When using the Voicewarrior, you do not need to worry about pulling a power cord or disconnecting a telephone cable. The Voicewarrior has a built-in wire antenna and a 90-degree wire antenna jack for easy antenna insertion and removal. When using the Voicewarrior, you do not need to worry about pulling a power cord or disconnecting a telephone cable. It is a normal soundcard-based device and the Voicewarrior will work with your standard sound card. The Voicewarrior has a built-in wire antenna and a 90-degree wire antenna jack for easy antenna insertion and removal. When using the Voicewarrior, you do not need to worry about pulling a power cord or disconnecting a telephone cable.

A free program for Windows. It is a computer soundcard-based VOX (Voice Operated Transmit) device. By connecting the Voice Keyer to your soundcard it’s possible to just press a button and the computer will CQ your radio and activate a program which enables you to speak into the microphone port of your soundcard. You can then save the recording or make a new recording. The Voice Keyer can be used to key up to seven messages. It provides automated voice prompts to help you along the way. The program can also PTT your radio via the LPT port.


Mar 15, 2009


Best one

awesome one

awesome app

Voice Keyer

KEYMACRO Windows is a virtual serial-over-LAN radio. Your computer can be connected to the radio via RS-232, an IR-RTTY or a USB connection. You can transfer arbitrary data to the radio and listen to incoming messages.
KEYMACRO can be a standalone radio or part of a larger program. Its window can be opened by clicking the right button on the computer mouse and it also runs in batch mode. The radio can be used to record incoming messages from the radio station’s console using the included RECORD command, key in messages using a WYRS.WSC or a custom keyer.
The voice of the radio can be controlled with the keyboard. You can control the station using the keys 1 through 6 or using the F keys (the same keys as QSO KIT). You can also directly control the station’s radio functions.
Keynotes (on/off and fade):
The radio can be controlled by setting the R/S position to ON or OFF. Fading can be achieved by sending a decimal number (in the range 0 through 100, meaning OFF to OFF) to the station’s number.
4-digit numbers can be keyed into the station (19 – 59), each digit will be applied to the radio in the order that they are sent.
The station will switch to the WYRS.REC command if the R/S is set to ON and it will record the messages that are received at the same time.
The station will play a recorded message if the R/S is set to OFF and it will accept all incoming CQ and PTY messages, the PTY messages will be saved in a file.
If R/S is set to ON, the voice of the station is linked to the computer microphone and CQ’s and PTYs can be taken using the computer’s Voice Keyer Torrent Download software. This is a very useful feature when operating the station from an automobile.
It is also possible to control the station’s radio functions using the keyboard. F7 will mute the station, F9 will turn the station off, F8 will open the station and F1 through F6 will set the station to the various modes (transponder, CQ, PSK31, CQ, TX,…).
To move the station between modes you can send a two digit number (9 being the highest and 1 being the lowest) to the station. The radio will enter the mode corresponding to the number that is sent

Voice Keyer Crack+ (April-2022)

What’s New In?

Voice Keyer helps to create radio messages automatically. You do not have to speak your message, you can send messages through the computer mouse or keyboard. You can even dictate your messages using your computer keyboard, Voice Keyer is a voice to text software solution which enables you to create personalized messages to send to your radio. You can save your CQs, PTTs and chat messages to an XML file or to a database. You can also save a database of your messages to a ZIP or MS Access file. Voice Keyer allows you to set your computer time and date automatically. You can even set different voices for different days of the week. Voice Keyer also integrates with Windows’s most popular RADIO TOOLKIT with just one click. It has an intuitive graphic user interface which is easy to use. Voice Keyer will recognize text from the system clipboard, it can also automatically convert text to speech using built-in voices.


Category: Windows, Voice Keyer

License: Free

Type: Portable freeware

Size: 13.96 MB

Installs: 1,000

Language: English

Do You Like This Keyer Software? Then Give it a Thumbs Up!Q:

What happened to the network “under the ocean”?

I was reading this article and I thought to myself, “Hey, this would be cool if we had all these highways under the ocean.” Well, I guess I would be the first to know it. Does anyone else have a desire to have highways under the ocean?


There are no highways under the ocean. The channels you describe might be channels between continents, and in that case they might be harbors for shipping.

Billions and billions of baby Elephants. Yes, billions. But, they have been found dead, in such huge numbers that it’s hard to imagine that they could all have died in one place.

Not only are they dead, but all the evidence points to it being a deliberate act. So much so, that the remains of a Black Mamba are also found amongst the dead baby Elephants.

The question is, why? Why did these baby Elephants die?

The main suspects are people. Some may think the prime suspect is poachers who kill the baby Elephants to steal their ivory. But it’s a more complex answer.

With recent climate change statistics, the problem is that these baby Elephants are being born in different parts of the World – some in Africa, some in Asia, and some in the Middle East. But the reason for it isn’t that simple.

The problem for the mother Elephant is that she can only give birth once every 4 years and the size of the baby Elephant changes drastically – the Baby Elephant is 60% the size of the mother.



System Requirements:

Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
Mac OS X 10.9.5 (or later)
Ubuntu Linux 12.04 (or later)
Installation Requirements:
Core 2 Duo
Quad core
ATI HD 5870


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