ZebNet GUID Generator Crack+ Patch With Serial Key
Create a globally unique identifier that can be assigned to any type of asset. The program requires that you enter the characters you want to generate in this field. Here, you can generate GUIDs or UUIDs. Simply click on the Generate button and obtain the code.
The program can generate GUIDs or UUIDs with different characters, since you can create different codes with the combination of characters. A UUID consists of 6 fixed bits and 36 random bits, which offers about 1018 possibilities. GUIDs, on the other hand, consist of 6 fixed bits and 122 random bits, which provides 2128 combinations.
ebNet GUID Generator
Generate globally unique identifiers or universally unique identifiers. An array of different characters is needed in order to generate codes or strings of alphanumeric characters. Simply use the program and press the Generate button. The resulting code can be used in programming, database management or software development.
The program can generate more than 2128 possible GUIDs or UUID codes, with a random character arrangement. The strings of alphanumeric characters, that you can obtain, are the best way of creating globally unique identifiers or universally unique identifiers. UUIDs include a time stamp, in addition to the name and an ID of the person or company that developed the program.
Applications like this, which generate codes that are identifiers of different entities, have seen a rise in popularity, lately. The use of such identifiers in software development has become a way of achieving better understanding in development and general industry. With the help of a specific identifier, different components and other elements can be identified, so that they can be assigned with meaningful names.
zebNet GUID Generator Features:
The program is easy to use, because it requires that you click on the Generate button, in order to generate a string of alphanumeric characters, that represent a globally unique identifier. The program does not require you to type any text, but rather click on the Generate button and type the characters you want to generate.
You can obtain codes in.Net, Java and other languages.
The software can generate codes with arbitrary characters, which makes it possible to create virtually infinite numbers of code combinations, that represent identifiers that can be assigned to different entities. The use of unique codes, that identify entities in software development, database management and programming, has become more popular in recent years.
When we speak of IDs, we mean that they identify a certain element. Thus, the term ID comes from the Latin
ZebNet GUID Generator Crack [32|64bit]
zebNet GUID Generator is a lightweight application that allows you to easily create globally unique identifiers that you can assign to components, objects, controls or other assets in software development. The GUID code, or the UUID code can also be used in partitioning hard disks or developing database nodes and structures.
Easily create a globally unique identification code:
The software is easy to use an it requires only that you press the Generate button, in order to obtain a string of alpha-numeric characters. Each globally unique identifier is a 128-bit code that contains 32 hexadecimal digits. It can be separated into groups, by hyphens, at your request.
Moreover, you may check the Uppercase box, in order to convert all the letters to uppercase, or leave them as default lower case. Moreover, you can insert braces, that limit the code at the beginning and ending. Un-checking all these options results in a 32-character long string.
Generating multiple random codes:
The software can generate GUID codes with random characters, that you can use in software development and assign to components, COM objects, controls or other assets. Moreover, you can use GUID or UUID codes when partitioning a hard drive or when creating nodes and modifying a database structure.
zebNet GUID Generator allows you to return numerous different codes, since the random character arrangement can yield multiple combinations. A GUID consists of 6 fixed bits and 122 random bits, which offers two to the power 122 different GUIDs. You can easily copy the code from its field and copy it into the document you need or click on the button next to the generating box to send the code to clipboard.
Lightweight GUID/UUID generator:
zebNet GUID Generator is a lightweight application that is capable of creating a large number of globally unique identifiers or universally unique identifiers. Thanks to its ability of creating combinations of alpha-numeric characters, it can return billions of different codes, that you can use in software development, database management or hard disk partitioning.
zebNet Default Keys Generator is a lightweight application that allows you to generate freely all the possible default keys. It can generate more than 5.2 billion different keys that you can use in software development, data bases and database management. Such high variety can be used for unique identification codes or for generating primary keys for database tables. Moreover, you can find default keys to be used when building software components, or
ZebNet GUID Generator Crack
It is a GUI application that generates (Creates) a GUID (globally unique identifier), or a UUID (unique globally-uniform identifier), if it’s selected. It generates a 128 bit string of characters, like 0000fffb-f7e6-11e3-8a05-f3076bee7e41. This unique GUID is a combination of the following data:
Version: 4
Major Version: 14
Minor Version: 0
Number of Characters: 128
Base: 16
Number of Flags: 3
Flags are the following:
0x800a – Indicates that the string contains only ASCII characters.
0x20000000 – Indicates that the string contains only hexadecimal characters.
0x0000 – To indicate that the GUID is generated randomly.
If the Uppercase box is checked, uppercase letters are used.
If the Vigero box is checked, letters from A to Z and 0 to 9 are used.
If the Reserved box is checked, GUID and UUID are also reserved.
The software asks you to select a language for the string.
The Generate button enables you to generate a GUID or UUID.
You can select a string length (2-32 characters), or you can leave it as 128.
The Generate button executes the operation, and a message box appears, showing the result.
If a message that it is to long appears, you can copy the text into a document, or you can click on the Generate button again, in order to cut it and copy it to your clipboard.
You can generate many GUID codes or UUID codes if you check the Multiply box.
If you uncheck the box, all you get is a 32 character string.
LINUX: zebnet_gid_gen is a GUI application that generates (Creates) a GUID (globally unique identifier), or a UUID (unique globally-uniform identifier), if it’s selected. It generates a 128 bit string of characters, like 0000fffb-f7e6-11e3-8a05-f3076bee7e41. This unique GUID is a combination of the following data:
Version: 4
Major Version: 14
Minor Version: 0
Number of Characters: 128
Base: 16
Number of Flags: 3
Flags are the following:
What’s New in the ZebNet GUID Generator?
Please kindly visit zebNet, to download more software in various categories.
This application is licensed to you for personal use only. You may not use, copy, distribute, license, or transfer any part of the application. For more information, please visit:
**Please purchase full version for more feature**
Your personal information will remain confidential and will never be sold.
Furthermore, we will never and we will never allow any third parties to use the information that we collect through your personal information.
zebNet GUID/UUID Generator Features:
• Random character generator: Simply press Generate and try the characters that are randomly generated by this software.
• GUI: zebNet GUID Generator offers an easy to use interface, which lets you enter the number of characters and the hyphens, that are separated by the software.
• Unicode characters: The software provides all the Unicode characters. So that you can use it as a viewer for your database.
• Uppercase/lowercase: You may select whether the letters should be in uppercase or lowercase.
• Fixed/random characters: You can set how many fixed characters the software will use in the code.
• Braces: You can insert braces, at the beginning and ending of the generated code.
• Multiple: The software can generate multiple GUID codes with different random characters.
• Other: The software can create GUID codes with various other combinations of alpha-numeric characters.
• Convert to either UPPERCASE or lowercase: You can convert GUIDs into UPPERCASE or LOWERCASE.
• Example: The software provides a simple example for explaining about how to use it.
• Copy the code: You may copy or move the code into your documents. It is suitable for adding into your documents and PowerPoint presentations.
• Create your database node: zebNet GUID Generator can be used
System Requirements For ZebNet GUID Generator:
OS: Windows XP SP3 or later
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 (1.6 GHz) or AMD Athlon XP
Memory: 1 GB RAM (approx)
OS: Windows Vista SP1 or later
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM (approx)
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