
PingChecker 12.1.22 Crack Registration Code 🔴

PingChecker is a Python-based instrument that can help you ping multiple hostnames or IP addresses for the purpose of determining patterns.
It takes targets from the user, stores them in a file, then pings those targets, exports the results to a text file and displays it to the user so they can save it somewhere else.








PingChecker Crack Free Download is a Python-based instrument that can help you ping multiple hostnames or IP addresses for the purpose of determining patterns.
It takes targets from the user, stores them in a file, then pings those targets, exports the results to a text file and displays it to the user so they can save it somewhere else.
PingChecker Cracked Accounts Features:
– Supports multiple hosts
– Supports automatic ping answering
– Tracks timing and rate of pinging
– Supports target names and IP addresses
– Supports hostnames and IP addresses
– Extensive documentation
– Native Python-based instrument
– GUI-based instrument
– Open Source

Install PingChecker Crack:


Developer’s website

Sourceforge PingChecker


¿Cómo puedo colocar en una lista un solo elemento de una lista en particular?

Tengo la siguiente lista en Python:

El problema es que me está dando este error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:/Users/Dario/PycharmProjects/Minimosso/Resumir/Resumir.py”, line 2, in
lista = [3, 4, 5]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not list

Aunque el objetivo final es que me aparezca así:
listaA = [1,2,3,4,5]
listaB = [3, 4, 5]
listaC = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Me podrían ayudar con alguna idea?


Es necesario indicar al compilador que conoces la identidad de los elementos de la lista.
Con el operador de indexación [:]:


Por ejemplo, en tu caso esto se traduciría como:
listaB = [listaA[:

PingChecker Crack+ X64

PingChecker Cracked Accounts is a Python-based instrument that can help you ping multiple hostnames or IP addresses for the purpose of determining patterns.

It takes targets from the user, stores them in a file, then pings those targets, exports the results to a text file and displays it to the user so they can save it somewhere else.
All patterns can be defined on the fly so you can quickly adapt to changes in your environments.
You can have multiple targets in a single file, even without using a so called “list” structure (for example, just use a space-separated list of IP or hostnames), multiple log files are supported, and you can use wildcards and whatever you like in the targets without any hassle.

– Detects common ICMP ping failures.
– Listening on TCP/IP or UDP/IP.
– ICMP or TCP/IP monitoring and report generation, base and local URL generation.
– Object-oriented API.
– Exceptions and logs reporting.
– Rules editor for users with less experience.

How to use:

Simply specify a file name where the targets will be saved.
Specify the target file name as the last parameter or/and use the “-f“ option.

For example, to check hostnames: “PingChecker -f hosts.txt“

For TCP/IP monitoring, use “PingChecker –tcp“, or “PingChecker -t“, or “PingChecker –udp“, etc.


PingChecker is written in Python, thus you do not need any additional Python dependencies.


Version 4.0:
– Updated for Python 3.3
– Fixed the Windows download error
– Fixed the crashes when running `PingChecker -u`
– Completely redesigned the GUI, making it easier to use and maintain.

Version 3.7:
– Updated for Python 2.7
– Minor bug fixes

Version 3.5:
– New native Windows installer in zip format
– Support on Windows 7 and later
– Customizing the error report strings (required on Windows)
– Added a support for only one target
– Various bug fixes

Version 3.4:
– Added a support for multiple targets in a single file
– Added a support for also

PingChecker Crack + (April-2022)

PingChecker is a program that makes it very easy to ping multiple hostnames or IP addresses for the purpose of determining pattern behavior.
You can enter as many host names as you want.
PingChecker will ping each host names, save the results to a text file and display it to you in a nice looking GUI.

Hostname:Enter one or more hostnames to ping.
IP: Enter one or more IP addresses to ping.
When complete, close the program.

Download PingChecker
PingChecker is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Download PingChecker for your operating system here.

Expected results:
This is an expected results.
Hostname: Enter one or more hostnames to ping.
IP: Enter one or more IP addresses to ping.
If you have a path instead of a IP, specify path.
If you have multiple paths, separate them by spaces.
When you do a ping, the result from c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts will be saved to a file.
If your hosts file contains localhost
c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts localhost

Hostname: Enter one or more hostnames to ping.
IP: Enter one or more IP addresses to ping.
If you have a path instead of a IP, specify path.
If you have multiple paths, separate them by spaces.
When you do a ping, the result from c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts will be saved to a file.
If your hosts file contains

What’s New In PingChecker?


Python 2.4 or later, Windows compatible Python (Windows is recommended).
Windows XNA from Microsoft.

Additional download: You’ll need to download and set the path to this in your environment settings so you can use pygame from this folder.

From the unpacked folder, run PingChecker.py.


Open the main window (Menu, File, PingChecker.py)

Select Check Hosts or Check IPs from the menu.

Click the “Check Hosts” or “Check IPs” button.

Select a folder for the results.

Click OK.

Click the “Check Hosts” or “Check IPs” button.

Select check IPs from the menu.

Click the Check IPs button.

Select a file to save to.

Click OK.

The results will appear in a text file in the folder you chose and in the browser.


VS 2019, Cannot load project

When opening a Solution or a Project in VS 2019, sometimes it fails and I get this error message:

“There were previous instances of this file that were open, and we did not save changes to this file before closing it. To prevent this issue in the future, close all instances of this file, and then open this file again.”

Its quite annoying, and often happens when I’ve closed VS the night before. I can re-open the project fine, but the next day it won’t load.
Totally at a loss, any help would be appreciated.


@Clemens, I believe you are experiencing similar issue as mentioned in the linked thread – if you have multiple instances of VS open, VS does not make sure the opened files are updated by closing the previously opened files before opening the file again. The suggested fix there is to close all instances of VS before opening the file.
Also keep in mind that it is not possible for VS2019 to open the project file directly from VS2019 since both versions of VS come with its own Project Manager that is highly integrated with VS.

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System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Windows 10 (64-bit) Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz or AMD equivalent
Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz or AMD equivalent Memory: 8GB
8GB Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 770 / AMD Radeon R9 280
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 770 / AMD Radeon R9 280 Hard Drive: 30GB
30GB Network: Broadband internet connection
Broadband internet connection Sound Card: DirectX 11 compatible


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